Incoming Students

Welcome to Lincoln University

Here are resources to help incoming students with your transition to our campus and community. 

As you enroll check for additional information.


Acceptance Fee Payment

In order to confirm your acceptance, we will need to receive the non-refundable Acceptance Fee of $275, which is due by May 1. You may pay this online at

Log-in Credentials:

  • Username: Your student ID #
    (Please note that the student ID number for the deposit payment portal must include the leading zero.)
  • Password: _ _\_ _\_ _ (two-digit month/two-digit day/two- digit year)

Your I-20

If you plan to study at Lincoln University on an F-1 student visa, we will issue you an I-20, a U.S. government document necessary for your F-1 visa application. Your form I-20 indicates the school you are attending, level of education, area of study, expected graduation date and information on how you will finance your education.

After you are admitted to Lincoln University, our office must have the following documentation in order to issue your I-20:

  • Proof of Funding: In order to receive your I-20, you must show that you have sufficient funding to support your studies for one academic year. Your proof of funding must be enough to cover tuition, room and board and health insurance. If you have not yet submitted your proof of funding, please email it to us at
  • SEVIS transfer: If you are planning to attend Lincoln University directly after studying at another U.S. institution (either as a transfer student or if you are moving from one level of study to another) you will need to arrange to have your SEVIS record transferred. Please fill out the first page of this our transfer in form and give it to the Designated School Official (DSO) at your previous institution to complete. Your DSO will then return it to our office. If this is your first time studying in the U.S., or you have returned to your home country after studying in the U.S., you will not need to transfer your SEVIS record.
  • I-20 for Dependent of Admitted Student: If your spouse or child(ren) will accompany you while you engage in studies at Lincoln University, please submit any additional proof of funding so your family member(s) can apply for a F-2 dependent visa.

Instructions for Express Mail Service

The Office of International Programs sends your Lincoln  University I-20 document by express mail. Requesting documents through express mail is at your expense and your credit card will be charged upon requesting this service. Follow the instructions below to use this service. You will need your Lincoln University identification number, email address, phone number, mailing address and a valid credit card (Visa, Mastercard or Discover cards only).

  1. Access the secure website
  2. Create an account.
  3. Select Lincoln University of Pennsylvania as your school.
  4. Enter your mailing address.
  5. Enter your payment information.
  6. Review your address and payment information. Errors in the information submitted will delay the shipping of your I-20.
  7. Place your order.

If you have questions about how to use this service, please e-mail University Express Mail Services support. 

SEVIS Fee Payment

If you will be an F-1 student for the first time, you will need to pay the SEVIS fee before your visa interview. When paying your SEVIS fee, please have your I-20 on-hand. Complete the I-901 form online, enter your credit card information and submit the form electronically. Print out a receipt and then call the U.S. Consulate or Embassy in your country to make an appointment for your visa interview.

Please note, sometimes students who are not new students will still need to pay the SEVIS fee. Who does and does not need to pay the SEVIS fee

Visa Interview

The F-1 or J-1 visa stamp in your passport is permission to apply to enter the United States in that visa category. Although your passport and I-20 or DS-2019 must remain valid while you are in the U.S., your visa need not remain valid once you have used it to enter the U.S. If your visa expires while you are in the U.S. and/or its number of entries has been used, or if you have changed your nonimmigrant status while in the U.S., the next time you travel abroad you must obtain a new visa in the proper category in order to be readmitted to the U.S. Visa can only be obtained outside of the U.S. at a U.S. consulate. (Canadian citizens are not required to have a visa stamp to enter the U.S.)

If applying for an F-1 student visa for the first time, you must have a personal interview at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate. This interview will most likely be conducted in English and will last about one or two minutes. You must be prepared because this interview will determine whether or not you are granted a visa.

To obtain a student visa, you must demonstrate to the official:

  1. that you are a prepared student with an educational plan
  2. that you have the financial resources to study for at least one year in the U.S.
  3. that you have strong ties to your home country
  4. that you will be returning to your home country after you have completed your studies

For a list of documents you will need to bring to your visa interview, please visit the U.S. Department of State website on Student Visas.

A Few Tips for the Visa Application Process:

  • DO NOT wait until the last minute! Apply for your F-1 student visa as soon as possible. It can take several weeks to get a visa appointment, depending on which country you live in.
  • When filling out forms, always refer to the information as it is stated on your I-20 (i.e. the spelling of your name).

Preparing for Visa interview


  • Dress neatly and/or professionally.
  • Be prepared to inform the U.S. Consulate official about your educational goals. The official may want to know your major and why you chose it, what is important about that specific major to your future career opportunities, your graduate school plans, and why having a degree from abroad; specifically Lincoln University will enhance your education.
  • Be prepared to inform the official about where and how you learned English and/or why you wish to study more English in the U.S.

Organizing Materials

Make sure that all of your paperwork needed for the interview is well organized. Group all appropriate papers together, such as:

  1. your cover letter,
  2. Lincoln University documents,
  3. academic credentials,
  4. financial documents, and
  5. all documents stating your ties to your home country.


University Housing
Housing is provided for all international undergraduate students only. Housing is assigned for all new students the first year. During the spring semester you will be able to participate in room selection for the following year. At that time you will select your own on campus housing. Housing is not provided for graduate students - Graduate students may contact the Graduate Center for suggested housing in the surrounding Philadelphia area.

What to Bring to Lincoln
Lincoln Univeristy on-campus rooms are furnished with the following; single bed, two dresser, desk, chair and a closet. You should begin thinking about what you will need to bring with you from your home country and what you will purchase when you arrive in Lincoln University. Items you need to bring with you:

  • I-20
  • Passport with Student Visa
  • Final transcripts, if you have been admitted on the condition that you provide final transcripts
  • Documents showing financial support for visa(if not previously sent)

Items you may consider bringing with you:

  • Warmer clothing for winter (winter coat, hat, gloves, scarf, winter boots)
  • Traveler's checks
  • Credit card
  • Professional/Formal Attire
  • Laptop, flash drive
  • Medical records for existing illnesses, especially allergies
  • Prescription medicines, as required
  • Extra pair of contact lenses and/or glasses
  • MP3 player
  • Favorite CDs
  • Musical instruments
  • Traditional national clothing
  • Picture album of your family and friends
  • Camera
  • Telephone calling card
  • Special spices/foods from home

What NOT to Bring:

  • Candles
  • Incense
  • Fireworks
  • Weapons of any kind
  • Space heaters
  • Irreplaceable valuables

Items you may consider buying after you arrive at Lincoln University:

  • Pillow, sheets, blankets, towels, and washcloths [see residence room packages below]
  • Bedspread or comforter [see residence room packages below]
  • Book bag or backpack
  • Alarm clock
  • Umbrella and/or raincoat
  • School supplies
  • Dictionary and thesaurus
  • Calculator
  • Cold medicines, aspirin, vitamins, antacids, ointments
  • Thermometer
  • Toiletries (razor, brush, comb, toothbrush, nail clippers, tweezers, deodorant, soap, etc.)
  • Sunblock
  • Hair care products
  • Small refrigerator 
  • Laundry basket or sack
  • Power strip (must be bought in the U.S.)
  • Study Lamp (must have metal shade if you are living in the residence halls or Kenilworth Square Apartments)
  • Sewing kit
  • Sports/recreational equipment (tennis racket, tennis shoes, etc.)
  • Throw rugs

Health Insurance

All international students are required to carry the Lincoln University Health Insurance. Unless you provide information proving you already have existing covering.

A copy of your current insurance coverage card is required in order to waive the insurance fee. 


Begin now to plan financially how your expenses will be covered during your years here at Lincoln University. Payment plans and tuition payments can be submitted online.The deadline for the fall semester payments is July 31st the payment for spring semester is November 30th. International payments can be submitted through the Flywire portal. For guidance on your tuition payment, contact the Bursar's Office.

Please contact us!

Office of International Programs and Services
Lincoln Hall, Room 103 & 104,
Lincoln University, PA 19352
Phone: 484-365-7785 / 86